EALING: Electrification in Ports and Vessels – Challenges and Sustainable Solutions in Europe
During the Workshop several issues were discussed. The technical sessions highlighted the Activity 1 “Harmonized Framework for the electrification of the participating TEN-T maritime ports”, the Activity 2 “Maritime fleet adaptation” and the Activity 3 “Technical studies for the electrification infrastructure of the participating TEN-T maritime ports”.
Then, an open discussion with industry players on challenges and solutions concerning OPS adoption considering business, administrative, financial, and technical aspects was held. During this session, titled Challenges and Sustainable Solutions in Europe | Business-oriented Perspectives of the players at the forefront of this path, several workshop attendants posed interesting questions in the context of the EALING Project. In this instance Professor John Prousalidis (School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, NTUA) gives his insight regarding the exploitation of containerized batteries for shore-to-ship electric bunkering services.
During the discussion the panelists highlighted issues such as the unique characteristics of each port, the availability of alternative fuels and their respective bunkering infrastructure, and the role of the supply chain that should ensure sustainability with holistic end-to-end solutions that cover all aspects of maritime risk.