16 EU Ports Belonging To Different Sea Basins: Mediterranean, Black Sea and Atlantic Sea

EALING studies propose a concrete approach towards the establishment of a suitable framework for the transition to electrification for at least 16 of the EU maritime ports involved in the EALING consortium.

The activities carried out in each port aim at performing all the necessary studies on port equipment, infrastructure, performance and safety upgrade in order to accelerate the maturity and implementation of the electrification.

Discover the Technical studies for the electrification infrastructure of the participating TEN-T maritime ports (Activity 3) in the interactive map below. These studies are technical assessments of the electrification infrastructure at the TEN-T maritime ports, needed to enable ports launching the works phase right after the end of the Action.

Activity 1

Harmonised Framework for the electrification of the participating TEN-T maritime ports

Activity 1 concerns the implementation of a detailed analysis on the current status of technical, legal and regulatory framework –  at Member States level and at EU level – concerning the implementation of OPS in EU ports, with particular reference to the those participating in the EALING Consortium.

The Activity also aims at proposing recommendations based on the analysis, focused on how to implement a workable and coordinated framework boosting the development of OPS in ports of the TEN-T Network, considering cold ironing and electric bunkering procedures regarding the electricity market in the ports analysed.

Activity 2

Maritime fleet adaptation

Activity 2 concerns the study of the maritime electrification standards across the ports of the consortium and the vessels operating in these ports (including ro-ro vessels, containerships and car carriers): it will provide operational recommendations, taking IMO guidelines as a reference, for a harmonised technical, legal and regulatory framework on maritime fleet adaptation for electrification.
Considering that many vessels are not ready for OPS and electrical standards and regulatory framework are not uniform as well as the procedures of connecting and disconnecting the shore power supply,several scenarios will be examined within the Activity including a variety of general arrangements for different ships, including recommendations on best practices for their retrofitting.
Furthermore the identification of technical elements to be harmonised could derive on a proposal to IMO.

Activity 3

Technical studies for the electrification infrastructure of the participating TEN-T maritime ports

Activity 3 concerns the implementation of technical design studies for the electrification infrastructure necessary for the ports of the consortium: this includes the development of front-end engineering design (FEED) studies and other necessary technical studies to be used for the tender preparation, needed to enable ports launching the works phase right after the end of the Action.

Activity 4

Environmental studies

Activity 4 concerns the implementation of environmental studies, which scope is customised on the final needs of each participating port within the EALING Consortium. The studies will take into account the provisions stated in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EC) and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive (2014/52/EU), contributing, if necessary, to obtain the permits on the projected works for the future OPS infrastructure in the ports of the consortium.

Activity 5

Clean power supply plans and tender documents

Activity 5 concerns the preparation or updating of the clean power supply plans of the participating ports of the EALING Consortium, depending on the baseline identified for each port: the new OPS functionalities must be integrated in the internal Port Authorities’ overall strategy concerning sustainability, expectations for future traffic growth and redefinition of the way the port users should operate.

Furthermore Activity 5 will deliver, within an harmonised framework, the tender documents for all proposed investments concerning construction works: electrification infrastructure developments will maximize the efficiency, effectiveness, safety and environmental compliance of the ports of the consortium and will serve more effectively potential electric vessels calling at the ports.

Activity 6

Cost-benefit analysis and Financial blending schemes

Activity 6 concerns the realisation of a Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in compliance with CEF and REGIO guidelines for each OPS project of the maritime ports involved in the EALING Action, in order to assess the benefits and competiveness of the electrification solution as alternative source of energy and to enable decision on implementation of OPS equipment and infrastructure in the ports of the Consortium.

Furthermore the Activity will design suitable investment schemes based on the specific features of the OPS investments proposed under Activities 1 to 5 so that the ports of the consortium could use the available and upcoming financial structures by taking advantage of specific mechanisms such as Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) or the future Energy Communities, and ultimately proceed to the Financial Investment Decisions.