During this OPS Solution Providers Workshop high-profile speakers from the Solution Providers were invited to present their point of view on Onshore Power Supply. Among them: Siemens, ABB, Wärtsilä, Cavotec, GE Power, PowerCon, Danfoss, Igus, Wabtec, and Shorelink. Together with EALING Project Partners, a lot of useful insights emerged from the discussions during the workshop, and will be included in the Project Reports.

OPS Solution Providers Workshop – Main Takeaways
During the workshop several technical challenges emerged. Among them: the vessels’ hybridization trend; the insufficient grid conditions for the supply of OPS demand; the vessels evolution with different types of energy demands; the “uniqueness” of every context in which OPS should be deployed and the standard’s improvement.
During the roundtable were posed several questions and important information was gathered. Panelists talked about the most favourable ship types in which onboard and shore-based OPS have been integrated, and the most frequent problems or failures encountered in OPS operations. There was also room to talk about OPS facilities maximum power capacity, to standards compliancy and Shore Battery Charging.
The workshop was the opportunity to gather information on the challenges of OPS deployment from the perspective of OPS solution providers, giving them the opportunity to propose recommendations on how to move towards a harmonised framework for OPS implementation in European Ports.